OFGC Rimfire Benchrest Club Match
The Rimfire Benchrest match is a match at Old Fort Gun Club, Fort Smith, Ar. as of 2018
This is a .22 rimfire match, designed for all shooters, young, old, and in between. The course of fire is three 20 shots slow fire rounds with sighters, with a .22 rimfire rifles from a benchrest or bags on a shooting table at a target 50, 75 and 100 yards away, using the rules loosely based upon the CMP Rimfire rules but as modified by the club’s participants. We set up and shoot this on the 100 yard range. (You must bring your own sandbags and/or rifle rests to shoot this match from the stands… the firing line will be the front of the Pavilion)
Come on out and try this is a new and challenging match offering competitors an opportunity to fire a different type of match…
It is for the young and old and those in-between, new shooters and seasoned veterans, the plinkers and the Marksman.
The Match is held the 3rd Saturday of each month. The Match time is 8:00 am May, Jun, Jul, Aug, & Sept and 9:00 am Oct, Nov, Dec, Jan, Feb, Mar, & Apr.
the Cost of the Match is $ 10.00 for all adults over 17 years of age, Free to Youth younger than 18 and First Time Club Members.
If you want to download the latest version of the rules on this link:
Full rules and Targets 12-29-24
- Revision # 4 & # 5, as of 11 August 2018, after the test match.
- Revision #5 added to define allowable ammunition, and change class nomenclatures.
- Revision #6 made minor changer to document verbiage and to add a Master Shooter designation and change their match targets, also added the requirement for Parental permission and club liability paperwork.
- Revision # 8 changes made to weight and trigger pull also better defined the bench rest requirements and reduced the size of the target for unlimited class… Reduced the price of the match to $ 10.00.
- Revision #9 updated and added a duel target mode if desired.
- Revision # 10 updated and changed the unlimited sighters to one 7 minute period and added the targets and score sheet to the above downloadable rules.
- Revision # 11 updated and added a Super Unlimited Class and have included all targets needed for the match.
- Revision # 12 removed the Super Unlimited Class.
- Revision # 13 Replaced the Unlimited class targets with true 1″ @ 100 yard MOA targets.
- Revision #14 Added a Super Unlimited Class for those who use Lead Sleds and Heavy combined Sleds