Practical Pistol Matches

This shooting sport is sanctioned by the United Stated Practical Shooting Association (USPSA) under association with the International Practical Shooting Confederation (IPSC). This form of shooting is also commonly referred to as “Combat Shooting”, “Action Shooting”, “Action Pistol”, “IPSC” and “Practical Shooting”. The OFGC club recognizes all divisions within USPSA; Open, Limited, Limited 10, Production, and Revolver. The most important rule of this sport is SAFETY. Bring a holster that covers the trigger guard, a few extra magazines (or speed loaders) and we will try to help you with anything else we can depending on your equipment. If you have questions, give a director a call or email.

Originally designed as a defensive/tactical shooting sport, matches helped sharpen shooting skills by challenging shooters with awkward shooting positions and/or difficult target scenarios. You may shoot through a port (simulating a window), open and shoot through a doorway, or anything else we can dream up. Most courses are freestyle allowing many possible individual solutions to the same shooting problem. That evolved into an equipment race (bull barrels, compensators, optic sights, etc.) While these classes are still included, the emphasis recently has been to return to our roots somewhat, at least in regard to equipment, by creating divisions that anyone with a defensive weapon could compete.
Production classes are designed for Glocks, Sig Sauers, Berettas and other modern concealable carry handguns with a double/safe action first shot, particularly 9mms.
Limited 10 is for any handgun fitting Limited rules with only 10 rounds loaded in the magazine. (Commonly 1911s in 45ACP.)
Limited allows high capacity magazines under 140mm in length. It requires the use of regular sights and prohibits compensators. (Commonly 1911 style in .40S&W or .45ACP)
Open allows high capacity magazines under 170mm in length, compensators and optical sights. (Commonly 1911 style in .38 super or 9×23.)
Revolver is for most 6 shot duty type revolvers. An 8 shot revolver may be used, with limitations.
A monthly match will see a wide variety of shooting abilities as well as shooting equipment. Please understand that should you shoot with us, although you may shoot with people with different skills and equipment than you, through the USPSA classification system, you only compete against shooters with similar skills and equipment. This is a labor-intensive volunteer sport. We have one of
the most dedicated crew of staff and shooters anywhere. We currently have approximately 8-10 Chief Range Officers, and 10-15 Range Officers to regulate range activities. Our regular shooters include Grand Masters, Masters all the way down to D class and always some that aren’t classified. Learn from the Grand Masters and Masters and compete against the C and D class shooters (or wherever you’re classed). But most importantly come out and shoot with us and share in the fun!
For more information select USPSA Practical Pistol on our contact form.
Location: Old Fort Gun Club River Range
- Matches are on the 3rd Sunday of each month.
- Sign-in at 9:30 a.m.
- Safety meeting at 10:00 a.m.
- 5 to 6 Stages 150 to 200 rounds
- Cost $ 20.00 per shooter